Monday, August 29, 2011


Monday mornings are always the hardest for me.  No matter how much I try to organize myself and the kids for the week it just never starts off  smoothly.

Anyway today my husband stayed home because it was a holiday.  The Kazakh government last week decided to make Saturday(last Saturday) a working day and then have today off.  apparently people weren’t to happy about the short notice.  They also will have tomorrow off. 

I always like it when my husband stays home from work. I don’t mind having him home.

Well this week we hope to have the house painted and done.  the colors are looking good on the wall that, I really am happy with them.

I’m still counting and still looking out for my gifts.  It’s not always easy to do, especially when you receive news from home about deaths in your extended families and also immediate family problems.  It’s hard to be thankful during these times.



# 21 - 32

21.  the smell of fresh cut grass during the day

22. sweaters and jackets that keeps us warm

23. a morning cup of coffee to jolt the sleeping mind

24.  my 3 year old who keeps me company.

25.  my children who keep me busy

26. hearing news on where our shipment is right now

27.  spontaneous gatherings where everyone just comes and shares food and company

28. quiet organized mornings where I can pray and read

29. having everyone home for lunch

30. sitting with my daughter and going through homework together

31. listening to my 7 year old read

32. thankful that it’s only eczema that my 7 year old has and that it can be managed

33. my brother and sisters who I think of them often and love them.

Happy Monday and have a great week!

1 comment:

Jewel said...

It's good to be thankful in the hard times. Thanks for the reminder.

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