Sunday, September 2, 2012

today was

Father’s Day!

being Papua New Guinean’s Father’s Day is today.  We’ve celebrated in June with our fellow Americans and also in December with our Thai friends.  That’s why when I kissed and wished my husband a Happy Father’s Day today he was confused!!!

Well we went out for dinner with some friends (who are Australians and so their Father’s day is celebrated today) to have dinner together, celebrate the Dad’s and just to enjoy each others company.

to my husband…

Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad.
- Anne Geddes

You are that someone special!
Love you babe, Happy Father's Day!!


this is an old photo taken a couple of years ago.

Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Mari said...

Happy Fathers Day to your wonderful husband. Lucky him to be celebrated three times in a year!

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