Monday, September 10, 2012

me and long lists…


it’s Monday and I find myself with lists of things to do.  Things to get done throughout the week for my kids, for my husband and generally for the smooth running of my home.

well this week, I’ve decided to throw in some “me time”.  I’m telling myself that’s it’s not being selfish, but really it’s for the benefit of everyone. 

this week I’ve planned to have coffee with friends, scheduled a mani/pedi (BTW I’ve never had one here in Atyrau!!) and maybe even get a massage.  I’ll let you all know how they go.  Thailand raised the bar when it comes to massages and mani/pedi’s…….so it should be interesting.

Don’t forget to have yourself some ‘me time’.  Actually share with me what you plan to do for ‘YOU’ this week!

Happy Monday, Happy Week.


likeschocolate said...

As my husband says, "if mom isn't happy then no one is." Enjoy your mani/pedi and massage. My day has begun and I am off in a few minutes with a long list of to do's but before I start I am going to work out. Have a great week!

Francesca said...

funny, but this is going to be the following CV theme! I love what Kelleyn's husband says - it shows respect and good sense of perspective.

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