Monday, February 27, 2012

Could it be over?



it’s been an unusually warm day today and I’m wondering if it’s over.  winter that is, or am I just wishful thinking!!

The ice is melting fast , and I keep on hearing the heavy thud of ice hitting the ground from the roof our of house.  It’s been a cold couple of months and I can’ believe that I’ve almost been through a whole season of winter here in Atyrau, Kazakhstan. 

The locals keep on saying that this is the worst winter that they’ve had in a couple of years and I keep on telling myself wow and I made it.

It makes me remember what a friend once told me – there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. 

I have nothing to compare it too as this is my first winter ever in my life, so I’ll take the locals at their word.  I’m just thankful that I’ve managed to keep myself busy and that I haven’t had those long winter blue days……..

February is almost over and well March is going to be a breeze!!

Hope you had a great day!


Mari said...

I can't wait for Spring although it's not been too bad of a winter here.
Cute picture of Joshua!

jane said...

holy you know what! how many pairs of socks do you have on? :)

Kari said...

Jane, I have too many socks on! Actually I think I'm done with the layers!
I need a tanning bed!!! lol.

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